Bulletin for Sunday, January 26, 2020

“Daniel: The Future” Making a Difference in Jesus Name! Otisville – Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church January 26, 2020 8:30am, 9:30am, & 11:00am Our 11 AM Service is on Facebook Live each Sunday Church Office 386-3851, Email: OtisvillePres@hvc.rr.com Cell Phones and Tablets Welcome Don’t forget to silence your phones during worship. Thank You Text-To-Give message “give” to (347) 830-7281! Church app is at https://tithely.app.link/Otisville-Mt-Hope-Presbyterian-Church Bulletin is Online https://bulletinsatomhpc.blogspot.com Worship recorded at https://www.youtube.com/user/Otisvillepres Remember to put otisvillepres@hvc.rr.com in your address book! Prelude Time of Silence “In this quiet moment, Jesus speak to me. Fill my heart with Thy love divine, Your power let me see.” Call to Worship L: Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth. P: Worship the Lord with gladness. L: Come before Him with shouts of joy. P: The Lord i...