Bulletin for Sunday Evening, October 25, 2020

OTISVILLE – MT. HOPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OCTOBER 25, 2020 5:30 PM OUTDOOR WORSHIP Church Office: 845-386-3851 | Hours: M, W, F | 9am – 1pm Email: Otisvillepres@hvc.rr.com Website: www.otisvillepres.org Text to give (347) 830-7281! Text message church at 833-900-2084 Online Bulletin: https://bulletinsatomhpc.blogspot.com/ Remember to put OtisvillePres@hvc.rr.com in your address book! ==================== Welcome - Pastor Jeff Farley Worship Music Danielle Giordano (two selections) Sue & Mike Conklin: You're Worthy of My Praise Victory Chant Raise a Hallelujah "Your faithful people, Lord, will praise you with songs and honor your holy name." Psalm 30:4 (CEV) (As a matter of extra caution, we ask that you refrain from singing for the time being. Feel free to hum along. Thank you) You're Worthy Of My Praise Verse 1 I will worship (I will worship) With all of my heart (with all of my heart) I will praise You (I will praise You) With all of my s...