Bulletin for Sunday, December 29, 2019

“Making a Difference in Jesus Name!”

Otisville – Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church

Church Office 386-3851, Email: OtisvillePres@hvc.rr.com
Cell Phones and Tablets Welcome
Don’t forget to silence your phones during worship. Thank You
Text-To-Give message “give” to (347) 830-7281!

Church app is at
Remember to put otisvillepres@hvc.rr.com in your address book!

Sunday, December 29, 2019 | 11 AM

*We invite you to stand if you are able.


Time of Silence
“In this quiet moment, Jesus speak to me. Fill my heart with Thy love divine, Your power let me see.


Prayer of Joys & Concerns

Carols & Readings

Reading 1
Today, as a continuing celebration of Christmas, we join together in a service of carols and readings. Together, they will remind us of the simplicity and joy that is the real Christmas Story.

Listen now to this reading from                     Jeremiah 33:14-16

* Carol 244 – Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Reading 2                                                        Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

Carol 245 – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (verses 1&4)

Reading 3                                                            Micah 5:2-5

Carol 250 – O Little Town of Bethlehem (verses 1&4)

Reading 4                                                    Luke 1:26-35, 38

* Carol 270 – Joy to the World (verses 1&4)

Reading 5                                                            Luke 2:8-16

Anthem                        When a Child is Born – Dave Green

Reading 6                                                     Matthew 2:1-11

Carol 281 – What Child Is This (verses 1&3)

Reading 7                                                            John 1:1-14

Carol 249 – O Come All Ye Faithful (verses 1&3)

Reading 8                                                       Hebrews 1:1-4

Carol 277 – Hark the Herald Angels Sing (verse 1)

Reading 9                                                   Romans 16:26-27
As our worship concludes this morning, hear these words which are the closing doxology from Paul’s letter to the Romans.

* Hymn 811 – Another Year is Dawning


Postlude - musical ending to worship

A retiring offering will be taken today. Please place your gifts in the plates at the back of the sanctuary.

Announcements and Information

Please join us after worship for a hot soup lunch.

Church Office Hours this week:
The office and the food pantry will be closed from 12/22 to 1/3.

Food Pantry
·       We are in need of powdered or evaporated milk, and jelly.
·       Volunteers needed to help with the food pantry. Please contact Kathy Card (914-443-7548) for details.

Help Wanted – Church Secretary
We are looking for a new church secretary to start in January 2020.  Some of the responsibilities include: production of weekly bulletins, distribution of newsletter and other congregational correspondence, answering phones, maintaining church database, some financial management, liaison for Food Pantry families, and other duties.  If interested, please apply in the church office.

New Opportunity – Nursing Home Worship Leader
After 10+ years of serving the residents at Park Manor and other nursing homes, Elizabeth has decided to refocus on her talents and time in other areas of ministry.  If you are interested in leading this ministry in the new year, please speak with Elizabeth Orengo.

Photo Release

Thank You!!
·       To all who helped at our Christmas Eve services – all our greeters, readers, candle lighters, and communion servers.
·       To Wendy Fisher for coordinating our dinner and to all who contributed to our table.

Mark Your Calendars:

Regular Worship returns – January 5 (Epiphany)
·       Our regular worship schedule returns on Sunday, January 5 with a celebration of the Epiphany the arrival of the Magi (the Wise Men).
·       That Sunday, you’ll receive an envelope to put your gift to the Christ Child in 2020. Think carefully what you would do as a gift to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Stephen Ministry Leader National Training
We have had a wonderful experience with our Stephen Ministry over the years, but have been struggling recently without a Ministry Leader. To be the Ministry Leader a person needs to have been trained as a Stephen Leader at one of the National Training weeks.
·       Here are the 2020 dates”
Ø  January 12-18, Orlando, Florida
Ø  February 16-22 Anaheim, California
Ø  April 19-25, St. Louis, Missouri
Ø  June 7-13, Orlando, Florida
Ø  July 12-18, Dallas Texas
Ø  August 16-22, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


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