Bulletin for Sunday, May 17, 2020
Otisville – Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church
May 17, 2020
11:00am Online worship
on Facebook & Youtube
Church Office 386-3851, Email:
Our Church app is at
Text-To-Give message
“give” to (347) 830-7281!
Welcome & Time of Silence
“In this quiet moment, Jesus
speak to me.
Fill my heart with Thy love
divine, Your power let me see.”
Call to Worship
L: O sing to the Lord a new song!
P: Sing to the Lord, all the earth!
L: Sing, and give praise to God’s name!
P: Tell the glad news of salvation from day today!
the One Who Breaks the Darkness
Everything That Has Breath
to the Lord
Silent Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon
An Affirmation of Faith (unison)
This is the good news which we received, in which we
stand and by which we are saved; that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day; and that
he appeared to Mary, then to the twelve, and to many faithful witnesses. We
believe he is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He is the first and the
last, the beginning and the end, he is our Lord and our God. Amen.
Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Prayers of the
The Lord’s Prayer
"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy
Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive
us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,
forever. Amen.”
Children’s Moment & Congregational News & Offering
Scripture: Luke
Sermon: “Love Your Friends”
Benediction & Postlude
Mark Your Calendars
Luke 6:37-45
Judge Wisely
May 31
Acts 2:1-13
Spirited Debate/Pentecost
June 7
Luke 7:1-17
Strange Faith/Communion
Food Pantry – May 21
· Volunteers needed as the number of folks in need increases. And if you know
someone in need, give them our number 386-3851!
· Food Needed:
Juice, Cereal
Canned Veggies
Canned Fruit
Chef Boyardee Varieties
Rice Mixes
Baked Beans
Mac & Cheese
· Graduating High School Seniors who are church members are eligible to
apply. Applications will be available in the office and must be returned by May
17. Scholarships are awarded at the June 21 Baccalaureate Worship service at
- If you want to give, you can use Tithe.ly online https://tithe.ly/give?c=52802 to give, both to regular offerings and to special ones as well. Or you can mail a check to the church at PO Box 628 Otisville NY 10963-0683
- Our Board of Deacons is doing wonderful work and could use your support. Be sure to mark your contributions as for The Deacons
- Benevolence support goes to our Mission partners in the Presbyterian Church be sure to send along your support.
Online Zoom Groups*
- Sunday Morning EMPOWERkids
- Sunday Evening EMPOWERyouth meeting
- Tuesday Evening Drama Rehearsal
- Wednesday Morning Bible Study
- Wednesday Evening Bible Study
- Thursday Night Bible & Brew
- Friday Morning Prayer Meeting
- Friday Evening Quilting Group
*Get hyperlink with password embedded by contacting email below: Email Otisvillepres@hvc.rr.com for an invitation.
New Zoom Groups
- New Zoom groups are being formed. Would you like to be in one? Contact Jeff at otisvillepres@hvc.rr,com, and share your interest!
- The Choir will be having a Zoom Choir Gathering tonight at 7:00pm. Check with Sue Conklin, Jeff Grebeldinger, or Jeff Farley for the hyperlink.
- We are discussing a Zoom Trivia Game. Everyone checks in on zoom and then answers the trivia questions and the highest score wins a prize. If interested email Jeff at otisvillepres@hvc.rr.com and note your interest and when you would be able to play!
- EMPOWERkids will continue to meet on Sunday mornings at 10AM and EMPOWERyouth on Sunday evenings at 6PM on Zoom. It has been great seeing all your smiling faces at our virtual gatherings, thank you to those who have attended!
- Look for a weekly email from Jen with the updated links, codes, and passwords to get into our meetings. If you are not on EMPOWER'S email list, let Jen know and she can add you. Call, text, or email: 201-888-7101 or jenespo7@gmail.com.
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