Bulletin for Sunday Morning, November 1, 2020
NOVEMBER 1, 2020
Church Office: 845-386-3851 | Hours: M, W, F | 9am – 1pm
Email: Otisvillepres@hvc.rr.com
Website: www.otisvillepres.org
Text to give (347) 830-7281!
Text message church at 833-900-2084
Online Bulletin: https://bulletinsatomhpc.blogspot.com/
Remember to put OtisvillePres@hvc.rr.com in your address book!
Welcome & Time of Silence
“In this quiet moment, Jesus speak to me. Fill my heart with Thy love divine, Your power let me see.”
Call to Worship
L: O sing to the Lord a new song!
P: Sing to the Lord, all the earth!
L: Sing, and give praise to God’s name!
P: Tell the glad news of salvation from day-to-day!
Worship Music
- Hymn 677 - Glorious is Thy Name Most Holy
- Because Of Your Love
- As the Deer
Silent Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon
An Affirmation of Faith (unison)
This is the good news which we received, in which we stand and by which we are saved; that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day; and that he appeared to Mary, then to the twelve, and to many faithful witnesses. We believe he is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, he is our Lord and our God. Amen.
Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer
"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”
Congregational News & Offering
Scripture Acts 4:32-37
Sermon On Fire: Blessed
Upcoming Sermons:
November 1 Acts 4:32-37 “On Fire: Blessed” & Communion Sunday
November 8 Acts 5:1-11 “On Fire: Testing” & Baptism Sunday
November 15 1 John 4:7-21 "We love each other" & Stewardship Sunday
November 22 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 Thanksgiving Sunday
November 29 Luke 1:5-20 First Sunday in Advent
- Leading worship and preaching: Jeff Farley
- Music Team: Sue & Mike Conklin
- Tech Team: John Goldsmith, Elizabeth Orengo
- Facebook Live Host: Wendy Fisher
- Reader: Eda Sanchez Persampieri
Communion at all services: 9:00am, 9:30am, 4:00pm and online!
Stewardship Letters
- Our stewardship campaign letters are in the mail!
- If you don’t get one, give us a call to let us know!
- Stewardship Sunday is November 15
Thanksgiving Eve
- We will be offering an online Thanksgiving Eve Service.
- It will include communion at home.
Advent and Christmas
- We have begun plans for the Advent season and Christmas Eve. It appears that our traditional services on Christmas Eve will not be possible, so we are planning for an online service that will include many of our musical groups except for the choirs.
- We will be distributing Advent and Christmas boxes with supplies for advent and for Christmas Eve. If you would like to help with the boxes, let Jeff know.
Want to Give? Secure online giving at:
https://tithe.ly/give?c=52802 – or – www.otisvillepres.org
Indoor Morning Worship
- We will be gathering at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall.
- Only 25 people. The music is pre-recorded.
- Masks must be worn during the service.
- This service sermon will be the same as at 11:00am online.
- RSVP at https://reopen.church/r/ghOSlEks
- This week, EMPOWERfamily has reserved the new Mount Hope Youth Center on Baker Street in Otisville for our worship service. The building is behind the senior center and Mount Hope Police Station. It is a huge space, with ample room for safely gathering (It has a big echo -- a little cotton for your ears may be advisable).
- We will be setting groups of chairs up for families with 12-foot distance between each group for singing, and observing proper indoor social distancing guidelines. Masks are required. All necessary government & church safety guidelines will be followed. Check-ins will be at the front door.
- Please RSVP as early as you can to help us prepare: https://reopen.church/r/ghOSlEks
- Children are welcome to dress up in costumes, and anyone who did not bring their sponge paintings back last week can bring them this week to add to our altar cloth collage.
- Edgar is preaching and it is Communion Sunday!
- Shoebox collection will be Sunday, November 15th, so don't forget to start packing your boxes!
Indoor Evening Worship
- We will gather at 4 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
- Only 25 people.
- Masks must be worn during the service.
- Mike & Sue will be playing live from the Sanctuary and broadcast to the TVs.
- This service sermon will be the same as at 11:00am online.
- RSVP at https://reopen.church/r/ghOSlEks
Worship Online
You can watch our online services at any of the following sites/apps:
- Our website: www.otisvillepres.org
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/otisville.presbyterian/live/
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/otisvillepres/live
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